Social Media Links

Click on the links above to navigate my Social Media accounts, To-Do Queue and Commission Information!

Meet the Artist

Hello, I'm Ren! I am a 25 year old self taught digital artist since 2009! I mostly specialize in cartoon furry animals but I'm always looking to experiment! I'm a bit of a shy person so I'm usually not one to message first but I'm always looking to make new friends and meet new people! :3Art wise I very much obsess over Pokemon and Warrior cats. I also am into numerous anime, art tutorials, VR modeling, and new digital drawing software/hardware.
Non art related I love music, rock climbing, roller coasters, plants/gardening and just being outside.
I have 3 cats which I spoil to no end and live on my own with my partner.
I am currently looking for a new job which is eating up a lot of my time so I may be sporadic for a bit. I am usually online in the morning before noon and at night!

Commission Information


Flat - $65
Shaded - $75

Additional characters are +80% original price
Complex characters, wings, mist, etc. may be charged extra
Anthro is not available in this format!

Bust / Shoulders Up

Complex hairstyles, accessories, markings, wings, etc. may be charged extra
Anthro is available in this format!


Flat - $45
Shaded - $50


Flat - $30
Shaded - $35

Symmetrical Head Sticker

Complex hairstyles, accessories, markings, etc. may be charged extra
Anthro is available in this format!

Flat - $25

Reference Sheets

Single Side - $70
Double Side - $100

Complex characters, wings, mist, etc. may be charged extra
Anthro is not available in this format!

Commission Form

Please fill out this form to claim a commission slot:Username/Contact: Your screen name so I can message and ping you about the artwork
Commission Type: Flat Headshot, Shaded Fullbody, etc.
Character Gender: Do you want them masc, fem or somewhere in the middle
Payment Methood: Paypal or Deviantart Points
Reference of Character: I prefer non-watermarked and digital reference images so I can accurately see their design/pick their colors
Expression/Mood of Character: What mood do you want your character to be in? This can be very general just for example so I don't draw a sad character overly happy
Additional Details: Anything else you want me to know about your commission

Your Character Here / YCH

- All prices below are base prices
- Things that might increase the price are described next to each commission type
- All YCH's will be edited to fit your specific character
- Absolutely NO refunds will be given once a base is purchased!

Chibi 4 Pack YCH

Single Pose - $5
All Poses - $18
*Must be all same character for discount

Bases for Sale


Terms and Conditions

Here comes all the technical stuff. Most of the time nothing like this is ever brought up during a commission but I've delt with too many bad eggs that I have to detail everything out in order to protect myself.

A link to this terms of service page will pre presented on all commission journals, design auctions, gallery submissions, paypal invoices and info, and my website Terms of Service page!
Before you order, these terms apply to private commissions only. This commission is NOT applicable for commercial work, Therefore the art can only be used for the client’s personal purposes, not profit.All prices are base prices. Things that might increase the price are described next to each commission type.

Will DrawPlease Ask FirstWon't Draw
✔ Dogs/Cats/Dragons ectMLP Characters✘ Humans, Horses, Fish, Birds
✔ LGBTQ+Other general animal-like species✘ NSFW or Fetish art
✔ Blood/Minor GoreLots of mechanical components✘ Hate speech, underage implications etc.

Additionally I refuse all commmissions with:
✘ Characters based off real life people; Celebrities, YouTube personalities, kinsona's ect.
If find you've tried to get around this rule I will block you

General Terms

Do not claim creation rights to any of my art or designs
I claim the rights to the produced drawing, not the buyer. Therefore I am allowed to use the copyrighted artwork to:
- Promote my business with it
- Publish potential art books with it
- Display it everywhere to my liking (website, social media, etc.)
Once a commission is completed, you are allowed to use the art however you wish within these guidelines:
- Do not alter the art to where my signature is no longer visible
- Credit me where ever posted (BirdyWren on Deviantart, Twitter, Toyhouse, and Instagram)
- Do not re-submit the artwork to online galleries (Deviantart or Instagram posts) without my permission or credit.
- My art is not used in any form of promotion, hate-speech or propaganda
- Reselling of the artwork with the character featured in it cannot exceed the price paid for the commission in added value
All original designs created by me belong to me until paid in full
This means you do not have ownership until I receive the payment into my account, this includes pending transactions on PayPal.
- Payment plans are sometimes available when mentioned but must be discussed prior to claiming a design!
- If you fail to meet the dates of any set payment plan without previously discussing it with me, you will be issued a full refund and the design will be resold to someone else.
- Attempting to resell or trade a character/design before it is fully paid off will result in immediate refunding and revoking of the character
Once a design is bought/received from me, you are allowed to use/alter the design however you wish within these guidelines:
- Credit to the original character creation is given to me (BirdyWren on Deviantart, Twitter, Toyhouse, and Instagram)
- Reselling of the character cannot exceed the price paid for
- If the character's overall species rights do not belong to me, the design is subject to said species Terms of Service. Removing them from the species will not make me give you permission to ignore their T.O.S.
- You do NOT have to notify me when selling/trading one of my designs although if you do I may try offering for them back!
Tracing / Heavily Referencing my art:
- Inspiration can be taken from my art as long as everything being created on the inspired piece is created 100% by the user
- Heavy referencing / tracing of my lineart is not allowed! I will report you for this if I find it and you will be blocked
For example, if I draw a city scene and you think you'd like to try using similar colors/composition for your characters go ahead! But please do not trace over the characters or use the exact same lines/poses I used in my city scene.

Digital Art Commission Terms

Commissions will NOT be started until after full payment is received!
You will not be added to my art queue and no progress will be started until I receive the payment into my account, this includes pending transactions on PayPal.
General inquiry about your place on my Art Queue or updates regarding your commission can be requested!
I do ask that you send these inquiries via DeviantArt Note (preferred) or Discord (personal use only) and that new each inquiry must be over 48 hours stale with no reply before sending a new one.
I reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason!
Generally this will not happen as I'm always willing to experiment and try new things, however if a commission request or commissioner makes me uncomfortable I can and will refuse service. Please check my Will and Won't draw list before commissioning me!
Users Blacklisted by me will NOT be allowed to receive anything from me!
This includes but is not limited to:
- Commissioning or otherwise requesting art for a user whom I have blacklisted
- Bidding on auctions for a user whom I have blacklisted
Changes to commission information can only be made before a commission is started!
Once I have started sketching your commission, you are locked into the character you have chosen, regardless of trading, selling or otherwise relinquishing ownership of said character. Commissions are a 1 on 1 agreement and the original commissioner will be notified upon it's completion.

Payments and Cancellations

After payment is requested you are required to send soon or you will lose your spot
This goes for auctions and commissions. Failure to pay within these time frames without notifying me will cost you your commission slot or result in a temporary ban from my auctions.
- Auctions - 48 hour payment window
- Commissions 36 hour payment window
Refunds can be requested by the commissioner only after a 1 month period without any progress towards the commission
Average turn around time for art is 2 weeks. Holidays, Birthdays, Work, and other life factors can sometimes slow progress. In the event of a commission taking longer than 2 months without being started, a full refund can be requested! Refunds will not be given out before this time! When commissioning me make sure you can afford it as I will not prioritize your financial situation above my own.
Refunds can be issued by me at any time should I feel the situation calls for it
Sometimes I am purely unable to complete your commission due to varying factors. Depending on the situation, I will reach out with either a request for a character change or a means of a refund. If no response is given a refund will be issued to the Paypal account/Deviantart Points Account that sent it.
Harassment of any level is not tolerated and will warrant a refund as soon as possible!Refunds for completed commissions cannot be requested
All art will be completed based on information stated in forms provided when ordering anything from me! If there is a problem with your commission, I will ask you for clarification. If none is received, I will continue the commission as I feel best represents the original request. In the event that a completed commission is not to your liking, small changes such as markings and color corrections can be requested but no large changes.
Chargebacks will result in an immediate blacklist
If you chargeback a completed commission I may report you to ArtistBeware or by any other in site means


__Violating the Terms of Service in any way can lead to a ban or blacklist from my services at my digression!__Users on my Personal Blacklist will be refused service/conversation
If you receive a ban from violating my Terms of Service you will be blocked from accessing all of my social media accounts. There may also be no warning before a personal blacklist as it means I want nothing to do with you. Blacklisted users are listed on my bans page so others know not to commission me for you.
Users are not allowed to inquire about anyones Ban besides themselves!
This means don't send your friends to harass me over why. I won't respond and they will be blocked as well

Originally Created: 1 /11 /2019
Last updated: 9 / 15/ 2022